We first visited the Hameau du Père Noël two years ago and decided to go again now the children are slightly older.

It’s located at Mont Sion and on the two occasions we have visited there has been a fog lying in the air which added greatly to the atmosphere. The parking is well organised and we were directed to a handicapped space at the entrance. We didn’t realise last time we visited that pushchairs aren’t allowed inside but they very kindly made an exception for Elio. This time however we went prepared with a carrier for him which made life much easier.

Entry tarifs are a bit complicated and seem to change according to the day but for us visiting on Saturday 10th November it cost is €12 per adult and €6 for children over the age of 3. It’s open all year with cheaper prices in the summer.
The moment you set foot through the door you are immersed in the magic of Christmas and we started with a visit to the house of Père Fouettard who greeted us at the door with a nicely grumpy nature and quizzed Jude about his behaviour over the last 11 months. Inside the dimly lit house it reminded me of something out of a Harry Potter film with so much to see it would be possible to spend a long time examining all the little artefacts. I won’t go into too much detail as part of the joy is discovering the curiosities but it’s really beautifully done.

Next up we went to see Le Grenier des Totottes which is a charming place dedicated to dummies and where your little one might leave their own if they feel so inclined.

From there we went to see the Maison du Père Noël which was our favourite part. It made me think of all my very best Christmas memories and dreams as a child gathered in one place. It’s just a really charming, beautifully presented way to immerse yourselves in the magic of Christmas and each room brings new delights and an enormous amount to discover (take a while to look at the elves bedroom ;-)). We were there for a good while examining the displays and spotting little details hidden in the scenery. Alba was really excited this year and we had to stop her from racing ahead to discover the next room.

Outside again there was a place where children could meet Father Christmas but the queue was long and we already have such a meeting planned in a couple of weeks so we bypassed that this time.
There is also the Maison de Mère Noël where children can listen to stories of Christmas past and present and a small kiosk to get snacks and drinks.

I love anything that transports us to another world and this really is an enchanting experience...and one we are sure to repeat.
Parking : Yes
Toilets : Yes
Baby Change Facilities : Yes
Accessibility : Pushchairs are not allowed